Enable 'Get Field Value' within action chains in the Service Center

The 'Get Field Value' and 'Get Fields Value' Global Function Actions are additions to the existing VB Studio Action Pallet. These are designed to simplify the process of getting field values for system implementers who may not be proficient in JavaScript. They offer a user-friendly graphical interface where actions can be selected and configured from a list to create, modify, and implement functionality. This feature also enables users to set properties to get field values in different objects at the Service application level, making the process more straightforward, accessible, and flexible.

System implementers can use this feature to gain the following benefits:

  1. User-friendly Interface: The graphical interface of this feature is designed to be intuitive, even for those who are not proficient in JavaScript. This user-friendly design can increase the adoption rate and decrease the need for extensive training.
  2. Increased Flexibility: The 'Get Field Value' action allows users to set properties to get field value in different objects at the Service application level, providing them with the flexibility to tailor the getting field value process to their specific needs.
  3. Improved Agent Performance and Efficiency: Utilizing the 'Get Field Value' and 'Get Fields Value' action in automated action chains can significantly enhance agent performance and efficiency. By automating routine tasks, agents can focus on more complex issues, leading to faster resolutions and improved customer satisfaction.

Steps to Enable

Leverage the Visual Builder Studio to expose your applications. To learn more about extending your application using Visual Builder, visit Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > Books > Configuration and Extension.

You can Get field value of a Field

To start using - Drag and Drop the Get Field Value Function under CX Service

Get Field Value

Code from Code view

const getFieldResult = await $application?.modules?.uiEventsFramework?.getFieldValue('ServiceRequest.Title');

Get field of active record

Get field of active record

Code from Code view

const getFieldResult = await $application?.modules?.uiEventsFramework?.getFieldValue('ServiceRequest.Title');

const TitleValue = getFieldResult.response;

Get field with Given RecordContext

Get field with Given RecordContext

Get Fields

To start using - Drag and Drop the Get Fields Value Function under CX Service

Get Fields

Code from Code view

const resultValues = await $application?.modules?.uiEventsFramework?.getFieldValue(['ServiceRequest.Title', 'ServiceRequest.SeverityCd']);

const titleFieldValue = resultValues.response.getField('ServiceRequest.Title').getValue();

const severityValue =resultValues.response.getField('ServiceRequest.SeverityCd').getValue();

Get fields of active record

Get fields of active record

Code from code view

const resultValues = await $application?.modules?.uiEventsFramework?.getFieldValue(['ServiceRequest.Title', 'ServiceRequest.SeverityCd']);

const titleFieldValue = resultValues.response.getField('ServiceRequest.Title').getValue();

const severityValue =resultValues.response.getField('ServiceRequest.SeverityCd').getValue();

Get fields with Given RecordContext

Get fields with Given RecordContex

Code from code view

const activeRecordsContext = await $application?.modules?.uiEventsFramework?.getRecordContext();

const resultValues = await $application?.modules?.uiEventsFramework?.getFieldValue(['ServiceRequest.Title', 'ServiceRequest.SeverityCd'], activeRecordsContext.response);

const titleFieldValue = resultValues.response.getField('ServiceRequest.Title').getValue();

const severityValue = response.response.getField('ServiceRequest.SeverityCd').getValue();

If no matching record found - getRecordContext returns Status Failure - Please add validation to check result status

Tips And Considerations

Getting a field value has multiple uses. You might need it for validation before saving or to include it in a REST call. We've simplified this process with an easy action.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

  • You will need Visual Builder Studio access.