One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Improved Batch Submission

The following improvements were made to the Batch Job Submission portal:

  • Security for changes to the batch user:
    • There are two users associated with submitting a batch process: the user who submits the request and the batch user who controls permissions and auditing during the actual execution of the job. It is not uncommon for implementations to set up generic users with the required batch execution permissions, in which case the batch user and submission user may differ. Before this release, users submitting jobs online had the ability to set the batch user ID to any user. Allowing the batch user to be overridden may cause auditing issues. A new User Override (F1UO) access mode is added to the Batch Job Submission application service (CILZRBPP). Only users who are granted this access mode can override the batch user ID when submitting a batch job.
  • Preserving the original user details:
    • If the submission user has override privileges, they have the ability to retain the original batch user details when duplicating or rerunning a batch job. If the Run as original user checkbox is selected, the batch user, language, and email address from the original batch run will be copied to the new batch job. If not, the user details are defaulted from the submission user.
  • Simplified user dialog:
    • The user interface for submitting a batch job has been simplified to a single form without the intermediate prompt for the batch control.

The batch job submission user interface has been simplified and improved to provide customers with better control around their batch submission requests.

NOTE: This enhancement does not impact any existing extensions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Upgrade scripts ensure that users with Add access to the existing Batch Job Submission (CILZRBPP) application service will have access to the new User Override (F1UO) access mode.
  • You should review user groups that are not allowed to override the batch user at batch job submission and remove their access to the User Override (F1UO) access mode.