One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Configuration Deletion Portal

You can identify and delete configuration entities that were previously imported via Content Migration Assistant (CMA) and are no longer needed using the new Configuration Deletion portal.

The new portal assists a system administrator in reviewing and deleting configuration data as follows:

  • The administrator selects a set of CMA import data sets that represents a complete imported configuration. This can be done via an external reference name and up to five data set IDs.
  • A summary list of maintenance objects included in the reference set is presented along with the number of applied or unchanged entities for each.
  • Selecting a maintenance object presents all entities for that type that exist in the current environment but are not included in the reference set. These are the entities the administrator may select for deletion.

This improves management of configuration entities imported via CMA.

NOTE: This enhancement does not impact any existing extensions.

Steps to Enable

System administrators should set/grant users/grant access to the following application services.

  • F1CFGDEL- Configuration Deletion Portal

Access Requirements

System administrators should set/grant users/grant access to the Configuration Deletion Portal (F1CFGDEL) application service.