One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Multi-Jurisdiction Support for Start and Transfer Service Requests

Start and transfer service requests submitted through agent-assisted process flows, based on the Start Service Request Process (C1-STARTSERVICEREQUEST) and Transfer Service Request Process (C1-TRANSFERSERVICEREQUEST) process flow types, now support CIS Division processing. Additionally, customer service request types based on the application-owned Start Service Request Type (C1-StartServiceRequestType) and Transfer Service Request Type (C1-TransferServiceRequestType) business objects instruct the application to issue notifications of any mismatch between the customer service request type's CIS Division and other CIS Division-related configurations when the CIS Division value is not null or empty.

Start Service Request

If the Control by CIS Division configuration option on Installation Options is set to Yes, the application prompts you for a premise via the new Move-to Premise dialog box when the Start Service link (for example, in the Premise Tree sidebar portal zone) is clicked. Once a premise is selected, a process flow and related customer service requests are initiated based on the configuration defined on the start service-related Action Method for the premise's CIS Division.

On initiated process flows, the following updates have been made:

  • In the Create New Customer and Customer Identification sections, the CIS Division default is the premise’s CIS Division (if specified), when a new account is to be created.
  • If the account's or premise's CIS Division is not specified, the application defaults the CIS Division from the customer service request's Customer Service Request Type.
  • If the account's, premise's, or customer service request’s Customer Service Request Type CIS Division are not specified, the application defaults a null or empty value.
  • If there are no applicable SA Types for the CIS Division, the application skips the service agreement processing for deposit and/or additional services.
  • If the CIS Division's Restrict to Account CIS Division configuration option is set to Not Restricted, the application retrieves all CIS Division and SA Type combinations from the customer service request’s Customer Service Request Type to process the deposit and/or additional services.

Transfer Service Request

On the initiated process flows, the following updates have been made:

  • If the account’s CIS Division has it’s Restrict to Account CIS Division configuration option set to Restricted, the premise search will return premises belonging to that CIS Division and those with no CIS Division specified.
  • If there are no applicable SA Types for the CIS Division, the application skips the service agreement processing for deposit and/or additional services.
  • If the CIS Division's Restrict to Account CIS Division configuration option is set to Not Restricted, the application retrieves all CIS Division and SA Type combinations from the customer service request’s Customer Service Request Type to process the deposit and/or additional services.

This reduces the extent of implementation-specific extensions, which helps to reduce project implementation costs, duration, risks, and total cost of ownership.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, complete these steps:

  1. Click AdminGeneral, and Installation Options.
  2. On the Main tab, select Yes from the Control By CIS Division drop-down list.
  3. Optionally, click AdminGeneral, and CIS Division.
  4. For applicable CIS Divisions, select Restricted from the Restrict to Account CIS Division drop-down list.
  5. Click Admin, Customer, and Customer Service Request Type.
  6. Create or update the applicable Customer Service Request Types with the applicable CIS Division.
  7. Update the start service-related and transfer service-related Action Methods with the applicable override configuration settings.

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