Batch Controls - Increased Batch Commit Frequency

The frequency for committing processed records to the database has been increased for specific background processes.

  • Account Debt Monitor, Minimum Days Review (ADM2)
  • Activate Auto-pay (ACTVTAPY)
  • Analyze SA Relationship (ANLYZSAR)
  • Assign Balance Control ID to FTs (BCASSIGN)
  • Automatic Dispatch of FA's (FOD) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Balance Autopay Control Tables (C1-BLAPC)
  • Balance Tender Controls (C1-PEPL3)
  • Capital Credit Allocation (CPCRALOC)
  • Capital Credit Retirement (CPCRRETR)
  • Case Status Automatic Transition Process (CASETRAN)
  • Create Autopay for NBB's (NBBAPAY)
  • Create Autopay on Extract Date (APAYCRET)
  • Create Autopay Tender Controls (BALAPY)
  • Create Customer Contact for Expiring SA Char (CAREPROG)
  • Create GL Download Staging (GLS)
  • Create MR Download Staging (MDS) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Create MR Schedule Routes (MSR) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Create Statements (STMPRD)
  • Create/Validate Balance Control Snapshot (BCGSNAP)
  • Close Expired Quotes (CLOSEQTE)
  • Completes a WF Event in Waiting state (WAITCOM)
  • Complete FA Using a Recent MR (FANRMRCO) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Conversion-clear Balance Control ID (CNV-BCG)
  • Conversion-create ADM Triggers (CNV-ADM)
  • Conversion-tidy Balances (CNV-BAL)
  • Deposit Interest Refund (DEPINTRF)
  • Deposit Refund (DEPRFND)
  • Deposit Review (DEPRVW)
  • Distribute and Freeze Autopay (APAYDSFR)
  • Download Statements (STMDWLD)
  • Execute MR Remark Algorithms (MRRA) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Field Activity Completion (FACOMPL) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Field Activity Remark Activation (FACT)
  • Field Order Download Staging (FDS) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Find Read for SA/SP (SASP) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Generate Autopay for Pay Plans (PPAPAY)
  • Mass Bill Cancellation (MASSCNCL)
  • Mass Re-open of Bills (MASSROBL)
  • Meter Read Upload 1 - Populate Meter Config ID (MUP1) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Meter Read Upload 2 - Populate Meter Read (MUP2) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Overdue and Cut Event Manager (C1-ODET)
  • Pay Plan Monitor (PPM)
  • Pay Service Provider (PAYSPR)
  • Payment Event Upload Stage 1 (C1-PEPL1)
  • Payment Event Upload Stage 2 (C1-PEPL2)
  • Payment Upload (PUPL)
  • Payment Upload Balance Control Tables (C1-PUBAL)
  • Pending SA/SP Monitor (PSASPM)
  • Process NBB Scheduled Payments (NBBPS)
  • Purge Billable Charge Upload (BCUP-PRG)
  • Purge Completed FA Upload (FAUP-PRG) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Purge Completed MR Upload (MRUP-PRG) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Purge Completed Payment Upload (PYUP-PRG)
  • Purge Completed To Do Entries (TD-PURGE)
  • Register Constant Validation (REGCNST) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Renew Service Agreement (SARENEW)
  • Resolve Payments in Error (PY-RPE)
  • Stop Expired SAs (SAEXPIRE)
  • To Do for Account without a Bill Cycle (TD-NOBC)
  • To Do for Batch Errors (TD-BTERR)
  • To Do for Billable Charge in Error (TD-BCUPL)
  • To Do for Bills in Error (TD-BIERR)
  • To Do for Callback Orders (TD-ECBK)
  • To Do for Customer Contact (TD-CCCB)
  • To Do for C&C Events (TD-CEVT)
  • To Do for Deposit/Tender Upload Error (TD-DTCST)
  • To Do for Field Activity Remark Exception (TD-FACT)
  • To Do for Field Activity Upload in Error (TD-FAUPL) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • To Do for Meter Read High/Low Errors (TD-HILO) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • To Do for Meter Read Remarks in Error (TD-MRRER) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • To Do for Meter Read Upload in Error (TD-MRUPL) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • To Do for Non Cash Deposit (TD-NCDEX)
  • To Do for Notification Upload in Error (TD-NTUPL)
  • To Do for NT Download in Error (TD-NTDWN)
  • To Do for Old Pending Start/Stops (TD-SSFTL)
  • To Do for Open-Dispute Match Event (TD-MODTL)
  • To Do for Open/non-Dispute Match Event (TD-MONTL)
  • To Do for Payment Staging Error (TD-PYUPL)
  • To Do for Payments in Error/Unfrozen (TD-PYERR)
  • To Do for Pending Orders (TD-EPND)
  • To Do for Severance Events (TD-SEVT)
  • To Do for Severance Processes (TD-SPRO)
  • To Do for SP without Meter Read Cycle (TD-NOMR) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • To Do for Unbalanced Pay Event (TD-UNBAL)
  • To Do for Workflow Events in Error (TD-WEXTL)
  • To Do for Write-Off Events (TD-WOEVT)
  • True Up Budgets (BUDTRUP)
  • Update Old FT's as Redundant (REDSAAMT)
  • Validate Account (VAL-ACCT)
  • Validate Billable Charge (VAL-BCHG)
  • Validate Collection Process (VAL-COLL)
  • Validate Contract Option Event (VAL-CEVT)
  • Validate Contract Option (VAL-COP)
  • Validate Field Activity (VAL-FA)
  • Validate Field Order (VAL-FO) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate Interval Data Set (VAL-IDS) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate Interval Profile (VAL-INPF) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate interval Register Data Set (VAL-IRDS) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate Interval Value Set (VAL-IVS) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate Items (VAL-ITEM) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate Landlord (VAL-LL)
  • Validate Meter (VAL-MTR) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate Meter Configuration (VAL-CFG) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate Person (VAL-PER)
  • Validate Premise (VAL-PREM)
  • Validate SA Relationships (VAL-SARL)
  • Validate Service Agreement (VAL-SA)
  • Validate Severance Process (VAL-SEVP)
  • Validate Service Point (VAL-SP)
  • Validate TOU Data Set (VAL-TDS) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate TOU Map (VAL-TMAP) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Validate Workflow Process (VAL-WFP)
  • Validate Write Off Process (VAL-WOP)
  • Wait for Field Actv Completion (WAITFA) - Only applies to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
  • Wait for Notification Response (WAITNT)
  • Workflow Event Trigger (WFET)
  • Workflow Event Trigger - Batch Scheduler (C1-WFSUB)
  • Workflow Process Initiation (WFPRINIT)
  • Workflow Timeout Manual Wait (WAITMAN)
  • YTD Charitable Contributions (REACH)

This update optimizes batch processing.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.