Master Configuration Improvements

The master configuration functionality is enhanced to support multiple records for the same business object. You can use an optional new primary Part Name field to uniquely identify the record. Note that the master configuration business object needs to be designed to support multiple parts as indicated by a designated business object option. By default, the part name is not populated for the main record, which allows additional parts to have a unique value as needed.

Due to a growing number of master configuration records, the master configuration UI has become a standard maintenance portal with a separate query portal. This allows for a better user experience when searching for records and allows different business objects to have their own portals as needed.

Additionally, the master configuration maintenance object is enhanced to support the following new features:

  • An optional configuration class that may be used at design time to highlight the broader purpose of certain configurations for reporting purposes.
  • A Standard characteristics table for extension purposes.

Supporting multiple part configurations allows for more flexible features with settings that can differ by business context (for example, separate jurisdictions).

NOTE: This enhancement does not impact any existing extensions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Upgrade scripts ensure that users with Read access to the existing application service will have access to the new application service associated with the new portal. The table lists the existing and new application services.

Object New Application Service Access Added to any User Groups with this Application Service / Read Access
Master Configuration Query Portal F1MSTQRY F1MSTCFG

Any business object that supports an Edit action should include a standard Record Actions section as part of its display map. Prior to this release, if a business object did not include such a section, it could still be edited via the old portal. The new standardized maintenance portal requires the section to exist. You should correct these custom business objects accordingly. Until these custom business objects are fixed, you may include the Master Configuration Actions (F1MFGACT) zone to the Master Configuration maintenance portal.