One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Measurement Reprocessing Triggered on Office Exchange

In this release, the Measurement Reprocessing module recognizes the occurrence of an "office exchange". After performing an office exchange for a meter, the new install event may have a different installation constant (multiplier) than the previous install event (removal). Office exchange occurs when the service point's equipment changes and a new meter multiplier must be used. The application identifies the equipment change and the Measurement Reprocessing module recalculates measurements (historical consumption) based on the office exchange dates. The recalculation of measurements based on the office exchange dates also apply to any new install event that is created where the install event covers a time period where previously processed measurements exist.

This reduces manual recalculation of historical consumption and generates more accurate bills.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Implementations can turn off measurement reprocessing for an office exchange by setting the Ignore New Install Events parameter to "true" in the Detect Installation Constant Change for Install Event (D1-DETIECHG) algorithm.