One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Construction Work Activity - Same Crew Applied to Dependent Activites

The Activity Dependency zone of the Construction Work Activity portal lists the active construction work activities that are dependent on the current construction work activity record. This zone provides the new resource option, Same (W1SM), which indicates that the crew or shift assigned to the activity must be the same as the crew or shift working on the dependent activity. Previously, the resource options provided by the zone were as follows and the crew or shift working on the activity had to be different from the dependent activity:

  • Any (W1AN): No restriction on which crew or shift can perform the work.
  • Separate (W1SP): The crew or shift assigned to the activity must be different from the crew or shift working on the dependent activity.
  • Separate from All (W1SA): The crew or shift performing the job must be different from the crew or shift working on any activity in the entire dependency chain.

This expands the activity dependency options for construction work activities.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.