One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.UI Masking for Numbers

The system is enhanced to support masking numeric values on the user interface. This is useful if your implementation has certain quantities or amounts that are sensitive and should only be available unmasked to certain users.

The system provides a new masking algorithm type (F1-MASKNBR) for number masking. The following functionality is provided by this algorithm type:

  • It uses the number 9 as its masking character.
  • Like the existing string masking algorithm type, this new algorithm type includes configuration for an application service, security type, and authorization level allowing you to configure security for users that are allowed to see the data unmasked.
  • For users that do not have the security to see data unmasked, the algorithm type returns a static number of 9s to mask both the digits themselves and the number of digits. See the algorithm type description for more information.

Masking for alphanumeric data, such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and personal identification numbers (for example, social security number) was already supported.

Support for number masking on the user interface allows you to ensure that only certain users can see the values for certain sensitive amounts or measurements.

NOTE: This enhancement does not impact any existing extensions.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, refer to the User Interface Masking section of the Administrative User Guide for more information.

Tips And Considerations

The Data Masking plug-in spot was also enhanced to receive the Field Name as optional input to the algorithm.