Application Services

New Application Services

The following Application Services were added in the 24A release:

Application Service


F1ALGENQ Algorithm Entity Query Portal
F1ALGENT Algorithm Entity Portal
F1-RELNOTE Release Notes
F1BTCHTH Batch Run Portal
F1BTRQ Batch Run Query Portal
F1CFGDEL Configuration Deletion Portal
F1MSTCFG Master Configuration Portal
F1MSTQRY Master Configuration Query Portal
F1-APEX Generate API Specifications

This table lists the Application Services added to this release.

Changed Application Services

The following Application Services were changed in the 24A release:

Application Service


CILZRBPP Batch Job Submission Maintenance Object
W1-NODEWU Work and Asset Management Node
W1-CONSTRWABOAS Construction Work Activity Business Object

This table lists the Application Services updated in this release.

Application services provide user access to new features and functions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.