Sidebar Reorganization

The sidebar content is organized into Main, Favorites, and Tools sidebars. These are accessible using an icon bar at the bottom of the sidebar.

New sidebar icons with the 'main' sidebar enabled

A portal of type sidebar is introduced for the Main, Favorites, and Tools sidebar. Sidebar zones that represent the user's favorite options are displayed as part of the Favorites sidebar portal and those classified as tools are displayed in the Tools sidebar portal. The remaining zones are displayed as part of the Main sidebar portal and are considered key information.

This enhancement allows context sensitive zones to be directly linked to these sidebar portals and displayed relative to other zones on the portals. These context-sensitive zones can now be managed for user preference like any other zone.

This is the default configuration for new customers, but it is an opt-in feature for upgrading customers.

When enabled, it is recommended that you review you custom sidebar zones. When applicable, move the zones to the favorites or tools sidebar portals to unclutter the main sidebar and keep the focus on only key information.

In addition, the To Do Summary zone is no longer available by default on the sidebar for new installations. The To Do Management and To Do Dashboard portals, introduced in prior releases, provide better tools to manage and review this information, so there is no need to include it on the sidebar by default as well. If you wish to still use this sidebar zone, you can add it as needed. Note that the zone is retained as a custom zone for existing customers.

Organizing sidebar content into main and other functional areas allows for a better user experience in accessing key information and aligns with Redwood guidelines for such content.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, complete these steps:

  1. Go to the Sidebar Configuration Extendable Lookup.
  2. Set the CI_DASHBOARD record to inactive.
  3. Set the other records to active.
  4. Flush the cache.

Key Resources