Improved Handling of Environment Specific Entities Imported By CMA

The File Storage extendable lookup captures environment-specific information, which makes it easy to surpass file storage settings using CMA. The same issue exists with specific master configuration entities that may contain environment-specific values. These records may be initially imported from another environment, but they are typically adjusted manually to reflect current environment settings and should not be updated again by an import.  In this release, a mechanism is introduced to prevent an unintentional update of such records by a CMA import. The mechanism allows for these records to be added by an import without being updated.

The mechanism works as follows:

  • A new Environment Specific Business Object option may be used to mark records as containing environment specific information. The option type is available for Extendable Lookup and Master Configuration business objects, but you can configure it to be valid for other maintenance objects.
  • A new migration plan pre-compare algorithm is provided that prevents an update of an entity if its business object is configured with this option. The algorithm is added to the Extendable Lookup and Master Configuration default migration plans, and you can add it to other migration plans as needed.

The File Storage extendable lookup business object is marked as containing environment-specific information using the new option. It should not be updated even if imported unintentionally from another environment.

In addition, the following changes were made to keep such entities in environment specific related migration requests:

  • The wholesale General System Options migration request excludes extendable lookup and master configuration records if their business object indicates they contain environment-specific information.
  • The wholesale Framework Integration Configuration migration request includes only extendable lookup and master configuration records if their business object indicate they contain environment-specific information.

Preventing unintentional import of entities that contain environment specific information makes CMA more resilient to wholesale import of configuration records.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • If your implementation has other extendable lookup or master configuration business objects that must not be updated by CMA you may associate them with the new option.
  • If this functionality is needed for other maintenance objects, add the new option type as valid for these maintenance objects and adjust their default migration plan accordingly.
  • You may also want to review your custom migration requests to exclude these business objects as needed.