One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Streamlined Process to Consolidate Multiple Correction Details on a Single Bill (Correction Note)

Some organizations prefer or are required to present bill correction details to the customer separately, on a single statement, and optionally not commingle these with new billing details. This separate statement (bill), containing the cancellation and rebill information, is referred to as a Correction Note. You can now use the Off Cycle Bill Generator capability to include cancelled bill segment and rebilled bill segment details on a correction note.

These menu items facilitate the initiation of a bill correction off cycle generator:

  • Menu > Financial > Off Cycle Bill Generator
  • Account context menu > Go To Off Cycle Bill Generator
  • Service Agreement (SA) context menu > Go To Bill Correction

An Off Cycle Bill Generator, based on the Bill Correction (C1-BillCorrection) business object, allows you to select bill segments that are to be cancelled and rebilled by premise or service agreement. The Off Cycle Bill Generator record then processes the selected bill segments, in chronological order, either in real-time or via a background process. A preview option is available to evaluate how new bill segments will look and to help prevent errors during the actual rebilling phase.

In addition, the application creates a new bill and includes the cancelled and rebilled bill segment details when the Add New Bill checkbox is selected. Also, selecting the Include New Charges checkbox instructs the application to generate bill segments for recent consumption and include these bill segment details on the new bill.

Finally, the single query zone of the Off Cycle Bill Generator query portal is now a multi-query zone. The multi-query zone provides more flexibility to use filters such as customer name and account or service agreement to search for Off Cycle Bill Generator records.

This improves user efficiency automating many steps for including cancelled and rebilled bill segment details on a separate bill.

Steps to Enable

Provide the required access before using the feature. Details are in the Access #Requirements section.

Tips And Considerations

These batch controls allow implementations to initiate multi-cancellation or rebilling of bill segments via Off Cycle Bill Generator records, using background processing:

  • Preview Bill Correction (C1-PRVBC)
  • Bill Correction (C1-BCMCR)

Access Requirements

System administrators should set/grant users/grant access to the following application services:

  • Off Cycle Bill Generator Query (C1OCBQRY)
  • Off Cycle Bill Generator Portal (C1OCBGM)
  • Bill Correction Execution Application Service (C1-BILLCORREAS)
  • Bill Correction Business Object (C1-BCOCBGBOAS)