Application Services

New Application Services

The following Application Services were added in the 24B release:

Application Service


F1BUSSVC Business Service Portal
F1MO Maintenance Object Portal
F1-PRDMTRCSNPSHT Product Metric Snapshot Maintenance Object (Internal use only)
F1MSNAP Product Metric Snapshot Portal (Internal use only)
F1MSNAPQ Product Metric Snapshot Query Portal (Internal use only)
F1-PRDMTRCTYPE Product Metric Type Maintenance Object (Internal use only)
F1-PMTRC Product Metric Type Monitor (Internal use only)
F1MTRCT Product Metric Type Portal (Internal use only)
F1MTRCTQ Product Metric Type Query Portal (Internal use only)
F1SCRIPT Script Portal
F1SCRTEST Test a Service
F1-SCHEMAUPD Update Object Schema

Changed Application Services

The following Application Services were changed in the 24B release:

Application Service Description

Migration Data Set Maintenance Object

New access mode: F1EX (Execute)

Feature: Content Migration Assistant Web Service


Batch Control

New access mode: F1EX (Execute)

Feature: Batch Level Of Service Web Service

Application services provide user access to new features and functions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.