Application Services

New Application Services

The following Application Services were added in the 24B release:

Application Service


F1BUSSVC Business Service Portal
F1MO Maintenance Object Portal
F1-PRDMTRCSNPSHT Product Metric Snapshot Maintenance Object (Internal use only)
F1MSNAP Product Metric Snapshot Portal (Internal use only)
F1MSNAPQ Product Metric Snapshot Query Portal (Internal use only)
F1-PRDMTRCTYPE Product Metric Type Maintenance Object (Internal use only)
F1-PMTRC Product Metric Type Monitor (Internal use only)
F1MTRCT Product Metric Type Portal (Internal use only)
F1MTRCTQ Product Metric Type Query Portal (Internal use only)
F1SCRIPT Script Portal
F1SCRTEST Test a Service
F1-SCHEMAUPD Update Object Schema
X1CNTRLASSETSPECBOAS Controllable Asset Specification

Changed Application Services

The following Application Services were changed in the 24B release:

Application Service Description

Migration Data Set Maintenance Object

New access mode: F1EX (Execute)

Feature: Content Migration Assistant Web Service


Batch Control

New access mode: F1EX (Execute)

Feature: Batch Level Of Service Web Service

X1CNTRLASSETBOAS Controllable Asset

Application services provide user access to new features and functions.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.