One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Settlement Process - Gas Day Support

Gas utilities rely on the estimation process for forecasting and backcasting the retailer's aggregate consumption for each "Gas Day". 

  • "Gas Day" support for settlement processes allows the handling of measurements beyond the typical 00:00 to 23:59 timeframe. For example, from 8:00AM to 8:00AM the following day or from 10:00AM to 10:00AM the following day.
  • "Gas Day" support also enables companies to conduct the corresponding forecasting and backcasting tasks.
  • "Gas Day" support for settlement processes enables load settlement agents, retailers, or distributors to facilitate monthly, interim, and final gas settlement processes while supporting "Apply Math (Interval Data)" usage rules.

This reduces project time and implementation costs, and supports regulatory compliance.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, specify the Anchor Time (the start and end time for the "Gas Day") on the appropriate aggregator measuring component type.

Tips And Considerations

The start and end times for a "Gas Day" are defined using the Anchor Time field on dynamic aggregation measuring component types, standalone measuring component types, and profile measuring component types. When processing calculations for measuring components whose type specifies an Anchor Time, the Start Time and End Time of the calculation period should match the Anchor Time on the measuring component type.