Meter Health Check Dashboard -  Non-Final Initial Measurement Data Points

The Meter Health Check Dashboard provides a new set of dashboard zones that enable you to collect and visualize sets of data points relevant to non-final initial measurement data (captured as "IMD Seeder Control" and "IMD Control" records). The application verifies the IMD Seeder log table, extracts message texts, and displays the data points on the dashboards. The data points include the following:

  • Count of records in Seeder error by Status
  • Count of records in Seeder error by Age
  • Count of records in the IMD Control table by Status
  • Count of records in the IMD Control table by Age

The Meter Health Check Dashboard now provides wider dimensions of the processing and quality of non-final IMDs, whether queued or running in memory.

These updates provide self-service tools and support for non-final Initial Measurement Data trends analysis.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, create the appropriate Statistics Control records, and run the Statistics Control Monitor (F1-STATS) batch job to populate the user interfaces.

Key Resources