IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations


Refer to Regression Testing Recommendations in the Oracle Utilities Cloud Services Live Operations Guide for recommendations related to testing when upgrading to a new cloud service release.


From time to time, Oracle replaces existing cloud services with new features, or removes existing features. Replaced features may be put on a path to removal. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as a newer version is available.

This section identifies the features in this Cloud service that have been replaced or removed.

Product Removed Feature Target Removal Replacement Feature Replaced In Additional Information
Oracle Utilities Application Framework Ability to switch to the previous user experience 24B Not applicable N/A Previously, the product supported the ability to switch from the Opattern Enterprise user experience to the Redwood user experience. Going forward, only the Redwood user experience is supported.
Oracle Utilities Application Framework Batch Run Statistics Portal 24B Batch Run Portal 24A

The detailed statistics information on the Batch Run Statistics portal have now been incorporated into the Batch Run portal, introduced in Release 24A as a replacement for the Batch Run Tree. Note that the logic for capturing and storing additional database information in a Fact is no longer supported by any base function.

The feature is still available for upgrading clients, if desired, but the metadata for this feature is updated to have a "CM" owner.

Oracle Utilities Application Framework Message Legacy Page Metadata 24B Portal-based User Interface 21A

Navigation keys: - msgMaintDetailsPage - msgMaintGrid - msgMaintPage - msgMaintTabMenu - msgMaintDetailsPage_H - msgMaintPage_H

Records in the UI metadata program component tables related to the navigation keys.

Oracle Utilities Application Framework Display Icon Legacy Page Metadata 24B Portal-based User Interface 22B

Navigation keys: - displayIconRefGrid - displayIconRefMainPage - displayIconRefMainPage_H - displayIconRefMaint

Records in the UI metadata program component tables related to the navigation keys.

Unless otherwise specified below, these notes are for informational purposes and no action is required.


Plan to Remove Cube Viewer Support from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

In the future, the product plans to remove support for the Cube Viewer.

Note that this includes support for the F1-COLOR characteristic type that is only used by Cube Viewer. The product uses the F1-Color extendable lookup going forward.

Plan to Remove DBMS Scheduler Support from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

With the introduction of the next generation cloud scheduler, the product plans to remove specialist objects supporting the original DBMS Scheduler on the cloud.

The following inbound web services will not be supported in a future release:

  • F1-DBMSChain
  • F1-DBMSGeneral
  • F1-DBMSJob
  • F1-DBMSThread

The following business services will not be supported in a future release:

  • F1-DBMSCancelJob
  • F1-DBMSCancelSteps
  • F1-DBMSChain
  • F1-DBMSChainAddOrChange
  • F1-DBMSGetJobDetails
  • F1-DBMSGetJobRuns
  • F1-DBMSGetJobs
  • F1-DBMSJob
  • F1-DBMSList
  • F1-DBMSProgram
  • F1-DBMSProgramAddOrChange
  • F1-DBMSRestartChain
  • F1-DBMSRestartThread
  • F1-DBMSSchedule
  • F1-DBMSScheduleAddOrChange
  • F1-DBMSSubmitJob

Plan to Remove Support for Guiding Business Process Assistant (BPA) Scripts from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

In the current release, the product supports guiding BPA scripts that surf on top of one or more application pages and interact with these pages in parallel to script execution. This approach is considered legacy functionality and as such limited to fixed pages. It does not work with portal pages.

In the future, the product plans to remove support for such scripts.

Plan to Remove Support for Switch UI View from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

In a future release, the F1UIVIEW application service related to the function to switch the user interface to an older user experience will be removed.

Plan to Remove Workflow and Notification Metadata and Database Tables from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

Workflow and notification functionality supported exchanging messages with an external system (notification) and providing a configurable process for acting on incoming messages (workflow). More recently, the functionality for managing external messages is supported using Outbound Message and Inbound Web Service functionality. In addition, there are several features to support processing incoming messages. Service scripts can handle simple use cases. For more complicated processes, the service task or other business object driven objects are available.

The metadata and database tables related to this feature will be removed in a future release. Note that only a portion of the functionality for this feature is managed by Oracle Utilities Application Framework. Most of the functionality is supported in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing product.

Plan to Remove Mobile Application Framework Metadata and Java Packages from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

Removal of support for the Mobile Application Framework has already been announced in a previous release. However, there are metadata and Java packages still included in the application related to this functionality.

The metadata and Java packages will be removed in a future release. CM Java code that references services or methods in the ../mobile/.. package should be reviewed.

Plan to Remove UI Metadata Related to Converted Pages from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

The UI metadata related to fixed pages that have been converted to portals will be removed in a future release. The tables list the navigation keys related to each maintenance page. The related UI program component data will also be removed. Note that the metadata related to the search pages will not be removed at this time in case they are used on other fixed pages.

Batch Run Portal

  • batchRunTreeMaint
  • batchRunTree
  • batchRunTreePage
  • batchRunMaintPage
  • batchRunTabMenu

Batch Job Submission Portal

  • batchSubmitMainPage
  • batchSubmitTabMenu
  • batchJobParmGrid

Business Object Portal

  • businessObjectAccordionPage
  • businessObjectAccordionPrtPage
  • businessObjectAlgorithmsGrid
  • businessObjectAlgorithmsPage
  • businessObjectLifecyclePage
  • businessObjectMainPage
  • businessObjectOptTypeGrid
  • businessObjectSchemaPage
  • businessObjectStatAlgGrid
  • businessObjectStatTRRuleGrid
  • businessObjectStatusOptionGrid
  • businessObjectSummaryOptTree
  • businessObjectSummaryPage
  • businessObjectSummaryUseTree
  • businessObjectTabMenu

Lookup Portal

  • ctLookUpMaintListGrid
  • ctLookUpMaintMainPage
  • Any help navigation keys

Algorithm Portal

  • algorithmMainGrid
  • algorithmMainPage
  • algorithmTab
  • Any help navigation keys

User Group Portal

  • userGroupMainPage
  • userGroupProfileGrid
  • userGroupProfilePage
  • userGroupTabMenu
  • userGroupTabMenu2
  • userGroupUserGrid
  • userGroupUserPage
  • Any help navigation keys

To Do Entry Maintenance

  • toDoEntryCharGrid
  • toDoEntryDrillKeyValuesListGrd
  • toDoEntrySortKeyValuesListGrid
  • todoentrykeyvalue
  • todoentrymain
  • toDoEntryMaint
  • toDoEntryPopupAdd
  • toDoEntryPopupForward
  • toDoEntryPopupSendBack
  • Any help navigation keys

Table Maintenance

  • metaDataTableFieldsGrid
  • metaDataTableMainPage
  • metaDataTableCFldsGrid
  • metaDataTableConstPage
  • metaDataTableMaint
  • metaDataTableRefByConstPage
  • metaDataTableFieldPage
  • Any help navigation keys

Plan to Remove XSLT Managed Content Type from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

Entries in the Managed Content table related to XSL should be using the XSLTC managed content type and not the XSLT managed content type. In a future release, the XSLT managed content type will no longer be supported.

Plan to Remove REST IWS - Original REST Servlet from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

The original URL supplied for invoking IWS based REST services included the IWS Service name in its makeup. Support for this will continue for backward compatibility purposes, but it will be deprecated in a future release. You should adjust your existing integrations to use the currently supported URL.

Plan to Remove Append Setting from Pagination - Oracle Utilities Application Framework

There are several known issues with the functionality of the "append" option in pagination. It is recommended that you do not use this pagination setting.

Plan to Remove Support for Master/Subordinate Servers for Web Service Catalog in Oracle Utilities Application Framework

The Service Catalog Configuration (master configuration) enables you to define subordinate servers. Defining subordinate servers is no longer applicable for the Oracle Integration Cloud.

Plan to Remove Miscellaneous System Data from Oracle Utilities Application Framework

The following metadata is no longer in use and will be removed in a future release:

Object Data Description/Comments

Lookup Value


Characteristic Entity / Sync Request Inbound Exception



To Do Management - Process Actions (Deprecated) / Replaced by F1TDMgActSS



Add Log for Monitoring Probe (Deprecated) / Replaced by a BS - F1-MONPRBLOG

Script F1MgOlmpMnt Not in use by base functionality.
Script F1MgoSqlPks Not in use by base functionality.
Script F1MgOlmpPst Not in use by base functionality.
UI Map F1-MigrObjectImportMaintenance Not in use by base functionality.


Not in use by base functionality.



Not in use by base functionality.



Not in use by base functionality.



Not in use by base functionality.

Plan to Remove Business Object Read from F1-MAINPROC When Pre-processing Exists

In the original implementation of configuration tools, the main framework maintenance BPA (F1-MainProc) did not perform a Read of the BO when a pre-processing script was linked to the BO via options. The pre-processing script was responsible for the Read.

In a subsequent release, a BO Read was added in F1-MainProc (even if a pre-processing script existed) to resolve a UI Hint issue related to child business objects. This solution introduced a problem only visible for specific scenarios and a different fix has been introduced. The new fix made the BO Read unnecessary in F1-MainProc. Because there are many pre-processing scripts that are properly performing the Read of the BO, ideally the BO Read should be removed from F1-MainProc so that multiple reads are not performed. However, there may have been pre-processing scripts introduced after the BO Read was included in F1-MainProc that were coded to not perform a BO read in the pre-processing script. Due to this situation, the BO Read is still performed as part of the processing of F1-MainProc.

When a pre-processing script exists, we plan to remove the BO Read from F1-MainProc logic. You should review your custom pre-processing scripts that are linked to your BO options to ensure that they properly perform a Read of your BO.