Aggregations Cleanup Batch Controls

The Clean Up Aggregation Group Runs (D1-AGGRC) batch control allows you to cancel, restart, or revert aggregation group runs. Previously, aggregation group runs were not editable.

The Clean up Aggregation Group (D1-CLAGP) batch control allows you to clear unwanted aggregation results such as measurements, measuring component set data, and aggregation runs at the aggregation group level and individual measuring component set level.

These batch controls include improved logging which allows you to easily identify errors and get better visibility during the aggregation run. For example, the logs include the Measuring Component Set Participant ID, which makes it easy to determine dimensional attributes.

In addition, the Aggregation Group portal now includes the Settlement Batch Run Statistics tab that displays status and key statistics for each batch run.

These updates make it easier to run aggregations, remove unwanted aggregation results, and resolve issues.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.