One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Content Migration Assistant Web Service

A new API is available, via a REST Service, to allow tools to create and monitor export and import requests for the Content Migration Assistant. The API supports several operations:

  • Create a Migration Data Export Request by specifying the key elements in the JSON payload. This returns the Migration Set Identifier created.
  • Return the state of a Migration Data Export Request using the Migration Set Identifier as the key.
  • Create a Migration Data Import Request by specifying the key elements in the JSON payload. This returns the Migration Set Identifier created.
  • Return the state of a Migration Data Import Request using the Migration Set Identifier as the key.

This allows CI/CD to automate Content Migration Assistant exports and imports.

Steps to Enable

Provide the required access before using the feature. Details are in the Access #Requirements section.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

System administrators should set/grant users/grant access to the access mode F1EX for the application service F1MIGRDS.