Import Data Set Cancellation

Previously, the canceled import data set status represented a request to cancel the dataset and a final status where all objects and transactions were already canceled. This caused a performance issue for the migration object apply batches as they needed to cancel (instead of apply), objects that belonged to a canceled dataset. This included the many data sets that were already fully canceled.

This release supports a distinction between a data set "pending cancel" status, that is a requested to be canceled, and the final "cancelled" status to which the data set transitions to when all its transactions and objects are canceled. With this new approach, you initially set the data set to pending cancel status and the data set is finally cancelled the next time the import data set monitor batch process runs after all the transactions and objects are canceled.

In addition, the import data set lifecycle now allows cancellation from any non-finalized status.

A new Non-Final Data Sets query option was added to the Migration Dataset Import Query, which considers only non-finalized records and allows for the cancellation of multiple data sets.

Distinguishing between import data sets that all fully canceled and those that still have transactions and objects that are not yet canceled makes it easier to manage cancellation requests.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The first batch run of the Migration Data Set Import Monitor (F1-MGDIM) batch process may take longer as it transitions all cancelled data sets to the final cancelled status.