Support for Net Billing Solar Customers

The Distributed Energy Resources Customer Engagement Cloud Service supports solar customers on a net billing tariff structure. Customers on a net billing tariff structure are independently charged at the retail rate for all the electricity that they import from the grid, and are credited at a different rate for all electricity that they send back to the grid. The following updates were made to the Data Browser, Usage Export, Bill Forecast, Bill Comparison, and Solar Welcome Experience feature to accommodate net billing tariff structure customers:

  • Support for dual-stream data imports and exports.
  • Detailed bill insights about energy charges and credits.
  • Educational information to help customers with this type of solar tariff structure.

Solar Welcome Experience for Net Billing

Solar Welcome Experience for Net Billing

Data Browser for Net Billing

Data Browser for Net Billing

Data Browser Mobile View for Net Billing

Data Browser Mobile View for Net Billing

Net Billing Insights in Bill Comparison

Net Billing Insights in Bill Comparison

Bill Forecast for Net Billing Customers

Bill Forecast for Net Billing Customers

Supporting the net billing tariffs structure increases the number of utilities and customers that can take advantage of the Distributed Energy Resources Customer Engagement Cloud Service, and makes it easier for net billing tariff customers to understand how their bills work, and how they can save money by shifting load in their home.

Steps to Enable

Contact your Service Delivery Manager to coordinate configuration of the module. To contact your Service Delivery Manager:

  1. Log in to Inside Opower ( This is your portal for questions and information related to your program.
  2. Go to the Community tab and contact the Service Delivery Manager using the information provided.

Tips And Considerations

These features are only applicable to utilities that have solar customers that are independently charged for all the electricity they import from the grid and credited for all electricity that they send back to the grid. Widget updates and additional data integration are required to enable this functionality.

Key Resources