Visibility Script for Zone Header Actions

New mnemonics have been added to the Zone Action parameters in base delivered zone types. The mnemonics allow you to reference a visibility script that can check a condition and return an indication of whether or not to show the action. The mnemonics are:

  • vss='scriptName'
  • vinput=[...] (values to be passed to the script)
  • voutput=booleanValue

The following is an example of the zone configuration for a base delivered zone that shows links to view a service script's schema. The visibility script checks the type of script being displayed and returns an output Boolean of 'true' only if the script is a service script.

type=LINK action=SCRIPT bpa='F1ScrStepAct' label=SVC_SCR_DA_LBL context=[mode='VIEW_SCR_SCHEMA' scriptcd=SCR_CD] vss='F1ScrActVis' vinput=[scriptcd=SCR_CD scriptAction='VIEW_SCR_SCHEMA'] voutput=showAction

A visibility script on a zone header action allows implementations to only show an action if it is applicable to the data currently being displayed. This reduces confusion for users.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

In a future release, the product will introduce mnemonics to check a user's security access before displaying a zone header action. This information would get cached as a user's security access does not change during their session.  It is recommended to wait for that feature and not to create visibility scripts for checking security. You should use the visibility script to check for conditions that could change based on the data being displayed.

Key Resources

  • Refer to the Zone Action section of the Framework Administrative User Guide for more information.