Develop a Survey Template

A survey template is a set of questions together with instructions for answering them. Any survey is simply an individual instance of the template it's based on.

Use either of two methods to open the page to create a survey template.

  • Select the Create Risk Management Survey Template quick action from the Risk Management springboard. (Depending on the number of quick actions available to you, you may need to select a Show More option on the springboard.)
  • In the Surveys work area, select the Survey Templates tab. Then select the Create icon.

To edit a template, open the Survey Templates page, select the row representing a template, and select the Edit icon. Or, click the name of a template and, in a page to view details about it, click Actions > Edit Definition.

As you work with the survey template:

  1. In the General panel, name the template and select a type and status for it. Optionally, write a description.

  2. In the Survey Content panel, click the Details tab. Compose two sets of instructions for completing the survey:

    • The first set appears in an email notification of the survey. These instructions are in a plain-text format.

    • The second set appears in the survey itself. As you create or edit the in-survey instructions, you can select fonts and type sizes, create line breaks, and apply other formatting options. These include, for instance, bold, italic, or underlining; bulleted and numbered lists; indentation; and colors.

  3. In the Survey Content panel, click the Questions tab. Select or create questions to be included in the survey.
    • Select a Create Question icon to write a new question. The Create Question page opens, and the procedure is the same as it would be if you were working in the Survey Questions tab. Once you save the question, it appears in the list for the template you're working on, but is also available for selection in other templates.
    • Select an Add Question icon to open an Add Question page and select among existing questions. You can use the Shift or Ctrl key to select a continuous or discontinuous set of questions. Click the OK button to return to the page to create or edit the survey template.
    • Select a question and perform any of these actions: Click a Move Up or Move Down icon to change its position in the list. Click an Insert Page Break button to add a page break after the question. Click a Preview button to see how the question will appear in a survey. Or click the Delete icon to remove the question from the template.
    • For each question, click a Mandatory check box to require participants to answer it, or clear the check box to make the question optional.