Manage Assessment Batches

If you own an assessment batch, you can close, cancel, archive, or delete it. You can also send email reminders to assessors, reviewers, or approvers to complete their tasks. To take any of these actions, navigate to the Risk Management > Assessments > Assessment Batches page.

Each of these actions applies only to batches at an appropriate state. The Assessment Batches page displays batches at the Active state by default, so to complete some actions, you may need to filter for batches at other states.

You can close or cancel a batch only if it's at the Active state:

  • Closing a batch is the logical end of the assessment process, and is possible only after all its assessment records have been addressed. That means for each record, an assessor has answered the activity question while completing the assessment (and a reviewer or approver has passed judgment on that response, if appropriate), or an owner has canceled the record.

  • You can cancel a batch (and all its assessment records) either before or after all records have been addressed.

You'd select the row representing the batch and click the appropriate option in the Actions menu: either Close Assessment Batch or Cancel Assessment Batch. The batch status would then change to Closed or Canceled.

You can archive a batch only if it's at the Closed or Canceled state. Select the row representing the batch and click Actions > Archive Assessment Batch. Depending on its initial state, the batch enters the Archived - Closed state or the Archived - Canceled state.

For a batch at the Closed or Canceled state, you can edit security settings, but can't edit anything else. You can't edit anything about a batch at either Archived state. You can, however, open records of a batch at any or these states, or of its assessments, for viewing.

You can delete a batch only if it's not yet fully initiated: if it's at the New or Finalize Record Security state. In this case the batch is eliminated permanently. It doesn't enter any state, and it's no longer available to be opened for viewing or any other purpose. Select the row representing the batch and click Actions > Delete Assessment Batch.

You can send email reminders to assessors when the state of a batch is New, Return for Information, or Rejected; to reviewers when the state is In Review; or to approvers when the state is Awaiting Approval. Select the batch record, then select Actions > Send Email Reminder. (Or, open the batch for editing and click a Send Email Reminder button in the page header.) A Send Email Reminder page provides default subject and body text, which you can edit if you want. Then click Submit to send the message. It's sent only to appropriate users who haven't yet responded. The feature is active regardless of whether email notifications are activated in the Setup and Administration work area.