About the Enhanced Worksheet

The enhanced certifier worksheet offers an updated, cleaner design; improved filtering, search, and sort capability; and better performance when certifications involve large numbers of user-role combinations.

Here are some important differences between the original and enhanced worksheets:

  • The original worksheet displays a maximum of 500 records of user-role combinations, and only 10 at a time (with no vertical scrolling). The enhanced worksheet doesn't limit the number of records; you simply scroll down to fetch records that aren't yet on display.

  • You can add a column to the enhanced worksheet that shows which user-role combinations are "self-certified," meaning that the certifier has made judgments about his or her own role assignments. You can also filter for records of self-certified assignments, a feature of particular use to owners and role managers.

  • In the original worksheet, a user could add a comment to only one user-role combination at a time. In the enhanced worksheet, a role manager or owner can use an option to add a comment to any number of user-role combinations. A certifier can use that option, or can select any number of records to make a certification decision, and in the process add a comment that applies to all of them.

  • The enhanced worksheet adds sorting capability. You can sort records of user-role combinations by role name, user name, and other values. So you can change the focus of your efforts, for instance from certifying roles to certifying users.