How to Add Deep Links to Analyses

To add deep links to an analysis, configure the column whose values you want turn into links: Supply an appropriate deep-link URL. Modify its parameters (if you need to) so that they return the results you want.

As general principles:

  • An analysis may include columns that provide ID values. In such an analysis, a deep link fails if ID numbers are incorrectly formatted. For any column that provides ID values, click its menu icon (it looks like a gear), select Column Properties, and then the Data Format tab. Then set the format to Number, with no decimals or commas.

  • If you create a deep link in an analysis that includes multiple columns, configure the link for a column that returns unique values.

Initial Steps

Whenever you add a deep link to analysis, begin with these five steps:

  1. Open the analysis in the BI catalog.
  2. Click the menu icon for the column whose values you want to turn into links. In the menu, select Column Properties, and then the Interaction tab.
  3. Two Primary Interaction fields appear, one for Column Heading and the other for Value. If you're linking to a page, expand the Column Heading field; if you're linking to individual records, expand the Value field. In the list of values, select Action Links. Then click the Add Action Link icon.
  4. A New Action Link window appears. In a Link Text field, enter a description of what your link does. (Users who click on the link in your analysis will see this description, and then click on it to open the linked application page.)
  5. Next to an Action field, click the Create New Action icon and select its Navigate to a Web Page option.

Link to a Page

As a first example, suppose an analysis displays records of the Risk object. One of its columns is Risk Name, from the Compliance Real Time subject area, which returns unique values. You want the analysis to link to the Risks page.

This would use a deep-link URL that doesn't require you to define parameters. Moreover, every link would go to the same place (in this example, the Risks page), so there's no reason for the analysis to contain more than one link. So this example shows how to add the deep link to the Risk Name column heading in the analysis, not to individual values.

  1. Complete the five steps in the Initial Steps section of this topic.

    • Use the Risk Name column to create your link. Click its menu icon.
    • Use the Primary Interaction field that applies to Column Heading, not to Value.
    • The Link Text you create might be "Open the Risks page."
  2. Having reached the Create New Action dialog, enter the appropriate deep-link URL. In this case, it's the one you can copy from the Manage Risks entry in the table of Financial Reporting Compliance URLs. Be sure to replace <server_url> with your URL.


  3. Having confirmed that it contains no parameters you need to define (none contains an @{x} value), don't click the Define Parameters button. Do click the Options button, and select Open in New Window.

  4. Click OK to close each of the windows you've worked in, and run your analysis.

Link to Individual Records

Now suppose an analysis lists advanced controls and the global users for whom those controls have generated incidents. Among its columns are Control ID, Name, and Global User. ("Name" is the heading of the column that provides the control name.) All three of these are available in the Advanced Access Controls Real Time subject area. The Control ID and Name columns are in the Advanced Control Details folder, and the Global User column is in the Incident Result Details folder.

You want to make each global user a link to the incident result involving that user. This would use a deep-link URL that does require you to define parameters. Moreover, you intend links to open distinct records of distinct incidents. So you want to add links to individual values of the Global User column in the analysis, not to the column heading.

  1. Complete the five steps in the Initial Steps section of this topic:

    • You'll be turning values from the Global User column into links. Click its menu icon.

    • Use the Primary Interaction field that applies to Value, not to Column Heading.

    • The Link Text you create might be "Open this user's incident."

  2. Having reached the Create New Action dialog, enter the appropriate deep-link URL. This time, it's the one you can copy from the View Results for a Control and User entry in the table of Advanced Controls URLs. Again, be sure to replace <server_url> with your URL.


  3. Having determined that you need to define parameters (the URL contains @{x} values), click the Define Parameters button.

  4. Ensure that the number of rows equals the number of parameters in your URL (in this case, two). As needed, click the Add Parameters icon to add rows.

  5. In each row to define a parameter:

    A Name cell includes a number corresponding to a parameter number in the URL. Don't change that value.

    A Prompt cell includes text that you can modify to any value that's meaningful to you. It should describe the corresponding Value selection.

    In the Value cell, click the Change type of value drop-down list (on the left), and select Column Value. Another drop-down list appears to the right of the cell; expand it and select a column.

    For the link in this example, enter prompts and select values as follows. (The Prompt entries are suggestions.) Note that Value entries exist for you to select because you included their columns in the analysis.

    Name Prompt Value
    1 control ID "Advanced Control Details"."Control Id"
    2 global user name "Incident Result Details"."Global User Name"
  6. Click the Options button, and select Open in New Window.

  7. Click OK to close each of the windows you've worked in, and run your analysis.

Link to Filtered Transaction Results

In an analysis that presents results generated by a transaction control, a deep link can open the control's Results page so that it presents a filtered set of incidents. The link designates one or more result columns that provide filtering values. When a user clicks the link in a row of the analysis, the Results page opens. But it displays only records with values that match values in the designated filtering columns of the selected row.

For example, supplier ID may be one of the result attributes for a control. An OTBI analysis for that control may include the supplier ID column and create a deep link that designates it as a filter. A user may click the link in a row in which supplier ID is 12. The Results page would present all records in which the supplier ID is 12, and no others. Or, the user may click the link in a row with a different supplier ID value. The Results page would display only records containing that value.

You can designate as many as five filtering values, although you don't have to use them all.

The deep link depends on two dimensions: Transaction Incident Result Values returns the values of result attributes included in the control, and ResultDrillId creates filtering identifiers for those results. Parameters in each of these dimensions are numbered, and each number corresponds to the position of a result attribute among all the result attributes included in a control.

Suppose an analysis returns results of a control deployed from delivered model 30001: Duplicate Payables Invoices. You know that the control may return false positives: incidents for a given supplier may be legitimate invoices rather than duplicates. So you want the ability to filter by supplier ID and invoice number, so that you can accept legitimate invoices easily. Your analysis would include the Control ID and Name columns, as well as any other columns that provide information you consider to be useful.

The analysis would also include matched columns from the Transaction Incident Result Values and ResultDrillId dimensions. One pair would be Result Value 14 and Result Drill ID 14, because Payables Invoice.Supplier ID is the fourteenth result attribute in the control. The other pair would be Result Value 5 and Result Drill ID 5, because Payables Invoice.Number is the fifth result attribute in the control.

  1. Complete the five steps in the Initial Steps section of this topic:
    • You'll be turning values from the Name column into links. Click its menu icon.
    • Use the Primary Interaction field that applies to Value, not to Column Heading.
    • The Link Text you create might be "Filter on supplier ID and invoice number."
  2. In the Create New Action dialog, enter the deep-link URL you can copy from the Filter Results for a Transaction Control entry in the table of Advanced Control URLs. However, include only enough of its parameters to support the number of filtering values you want to use. In this case:


    Again, be sure to replace <server_url> with your URL.

  3. Click the Define Parameters button, and add rows as needed to support five parameters.
  4. Use the procedure from step 5 of the previous example to define the following parameters.
    Name Prompt Value
    1 Control ID "Advanced Control Details"."Control Id"
    2 supplier ID value "Transaction Incident Result Values"."Result Value 14"
    3 supplier ID drill "Result Drill IDs"."Result Drill ID 14"
    4 invoice number value "Transaction Incident Result Values"."Result Value 5"
    5 invoice number drill "Result Drill IDs"."Result Drill ID 5"
  5. Click the Options button, and select Open in New Window.
  6. Click OK to close each of the windows you've worked in, and run your analysis.