Link Analyses to Application Pages

An analysis can contain links to application pages, where you can work on items included in the analysis. These are known as "deep links."

For example, an analysis might list issues raised against risks. From the analysis, you might drill down to an issue so that you can take action on it.

Analyses can link to application pages concerning:

  • Processes, risks, controls, remediation plans, issues, and assessments.

  • The Controls page, advanced control definitions, advanced control results, and result detail pages.

  • The Access Certifications page, owner overviews, manager overviews, and certifier worksheets.

Note, though, that a deep link can't override a user-defined search saved as the default for a page. If the user who created the search clicks a deep link to navigate to the page, deep-link parameters are ignored if they're also set as part of the saved search.