Create or Edit a Global Condition

The process of creating a global condition is comparable to creating an access model that contains only condition filters. However, all filters in a global condition have an OR relationship to one another. There's no need to arrange the positions of filters to define their relationships to one another.

To create or edit a global condition:

  1. In the Access Global Conditions page, either:

    • Select the Create icon.

    • Click the row for a global condition you want to edit, then click the Edit icon. As an alternative, click the global condition name to open the page that displays details about it, then click the Edit button in that page.

  2. Select values that characterize the global condition:

    • Enter or modify a name and, optionally, a description.

    • Select a status, Active or Inactive. Once you create a global condition, you can't delete it, but you can inactivate it.

  3. Select a data source. (Oracle Cloud is the default.) The condition business object appropriate for the data source you select becomes the only one available for you to use as you create filters. From it, you can use only condition attributes and related values specific to the data source. You can select the data source only as you create the global filter; as you edit it, you can't change the data source.

  4. Create one or more condition filters. The procedure is the same as the one for creating condition filters in access models. (See Create an Access Condition Filter.)

    Note: All conditions available to model-specific filters are also available to global-condition filters. However, filters that use the Contain and Does not contain conditions exclude all records that don't have an attribute value for the condition to evaluate. They may therefore exclude records you intend to include. Use these conditions rarely, if ever, at the global-condition level.
  5. Save the global condition.