Create or Edit a User-Defined Access Point

To create or edit a user-defined access point:

  1. In the User-Defined Access Points page, either:

    • Select the Create icon.

    • Click the row for a user-defined access point you want to edit, then click the Edit icon. As an alternative, click the user-defined access point name to open the page that displays details about it, then click the Edit button in that page.

  2. In a Data Source field, accept the default, Oracle Cloud. (The EPM-ARCS data source doesn't support user-defined access points.)

  3. Search for and select an access point that constitutes one element in the path you're defining. You may, for example, be tracing the path from a job role to a privilege, and one of its elements might be the job role. As you search, note that:

    • Access Point Type values include Role, Privilege, and User Defined.

    • For a role or privilege, the Name search parameter value is the item's display name, and the Description parameter value is its internal name.

    • For a user-defined access point, each of the Name and Description parameters is the path that defines the access point. The Name parameter uses display values to express that path, while the Description parameter uses internal values.

  4. Click in the row for the access point you want, and then click Add to Selected. The access point appears in a Selected Access Points grid.

  5. Repeat these steps for other access points that are elements of the path you're defining. These may, for example, be a duty role that descends from a job role, a duty role subordinate to another duty role, a privilege within a role, or a user-defined access point that fits anywhere within a path.

  6. Ensure that the access points are listed in the order that correctly defines the path you want to create. In an Order column, click move-up or move-down icons to move a given access point to its correct position.

  7. Click Save and Close.

As you create or edit a user-defined access point, you can delete an access point you've selected as an element of its path. Click its Delete icon in the Selected Access Points grid. You can also delete a user-defined access point, providing that you've first removed it from all models and entitlements that use it. In the User-Defined Access Points page, click the row for the access point, then click the Delete icon.