Attach and View Documents

You can attach any number of documents to object records. An attachment may, for example, be a text file, spreadsheet, or website that provides more information about an object than its description contains.

To attach documents, work in a page to create or edit object records. You may simply drag a file into the Attachments area of the page. Otherwise:

  1. Click the link in the Attachments area.

  2. Click Add Link or Add File.

  3. Depending on your selection:

    • Type, or copy and paste, a URL into an Add Link dialog box. Then select Save and Close.

    • In a file-upload dialog, navigate to and select the file you want. Then select Open. (The title of the dialog, and the name of the option you select to complete the attachment, may depend on the web browser you use.)

You can view an attachment from the manage, create, or edit page for an object record. Initially the page lists up to five attachments. If there are more, a Load More Items link appears. Click it to display more attachments, five per click until all are on display. Click a link for a URL attachment, or click the Download icon for a file.