Change History

Review what's new in this document.

January 2024

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

User Assignment Groups

New Resource

A user assignment group authorizes its members to work with records of an object, such as risks, controls, or models. While editing an object record, an owner may select groups of users who can work on it. Security administrators can create groups, and secure them by assigning users or user groups.

User Assignment Secured Object Types

New Resource

While configuring a user assignment group, a security administrator selects a risk-management object. Group members can work with records of that object.

User Assignments for Business Objects

New Resource

Business objects supply data for transaction models and controls to analyze. But business objects are subject to security: each user can work only with models and controls that use business objects assigned to the user. An administrator manages the assignment of business objects to users.

October 2023

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Access Performance Configuration

New Resource

The Access Performance Configuration resource sets limits on the number of result records that access models can return.

Advanced Access Manual Removal Details

New Resource

The advanced access manual removals resource is used to get the history of all role assignments that were manually removed by authorized administrative users.

Advanced Access Manual Removal Requests

New Resource

The advanced access manual removals resource is used to get a history view of all users whose accesses (i.e., roles) were manually removed by authorized administrative users.

Advanced Access Manual Removal Roles

New Resource

The advanced access manual removals resource is used to get a history view of all users whose accesses (i.e., roles) were manually removed by authorized administrative users.

Advanced Access Users

New Resource

The advanced access users resource is used to search for active users in the system.

Advanced Controls Data Sources

New Resource

The advanced controls data sources resource is used to extract and update data source information.

Manage Additional Data Sources

New Resource

This resource initiates the incremental update of the data from Non-Fusion data sources.

Rebuild Graph

New Resource

The Rebuild Graph resource initiates the rebuilding of the data graph for transaction and audit data.

Transaction and Audit Performance Configuration

New Resource

The Transaction and Audit Performance Configuration resource sets cutoff dates to limit the data that transaction and audit models can analyze.

Transaction Currency Configuration

New Resource

The Transaction Currency Configuration resource is used to enable the currency conversion of transaction data for business objects that support that action.

Transaction Synchronization

New Resource

The Transaction Synchronization resource initiates the incremental update of the data graph for transaction and audit data.

April 2023

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Advanced Access Request Approvals

New Resource

The advanced access request approval resource is used to administer and approve role access requests.

Advanced Access Request Audits

New Resource

The advanced access request audit resource is used to view and audit all role access approvals.

Advanced Access Request Reviews

New Resource

The advanced access request review resource is used to review role access requests that have been assigned to specific users.

Advanced Access Requests

New Resource

The advanced access request resource is used to submit role access requests for users by themselves or on behalf of others.

July 2021

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Risk Management Lookups

New List of Values Resource

The risk management lookups resource is used to view lookups implemented throughout risk management.

April 2021

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Advanced Controls Mass Edit Incidents

New Resource

The advanced controls mass edit incidents resource is used to update multiple incident results at once.

October 2020

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Asynchronous Separation of Duties Simulations

New Resource

The asynchronous separation of duties resource simulates how active access controls would identify incidents if individual users were assigned particular job roles.

January 2020

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Provisioning Rules

Updates to Resource

The name of the resource has been changed from Advanced Controls Role Segregations to Provisioning Rules.

October 2019

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Advanced Controls Role Segregations

New Resource

The Advanced Controls Role Segregations resource is used to perform a fast, high level SOD rule analysis during the user/role provisioning process.

July 2019

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Run Advanced Control Jobs

New Resource

The run advanced control jobs resource is used to run advanced controls of either the access or transaction type.

April 2019

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Financial Reporting Compliance Processes

New Resource

The Financial Reporting Compliance processes resource is used to view or modify processes.

Financial Reporting Compliance Risks

New Resource

The Financial Reporting Compliance risks resource is used to view or modify risks.

Process Assessment Results

New Resource

The process assessment results resource is used to view or modify an assessment for a process. Each process can have multiple assessments.

Risk Assessment Results

New Resource

The risk assessment results resource is used to view or modify an assessment for a risk. Each risk can have multiple assessments.

January 2019

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description

Advanced Controls

New Resource

The advanced controls resource is used to view or modify advanced controls.

Control Assessment Results

New Resource

The control assessment results resource is used to view or modify an assessment for a control.

Financial Reporting Compliance Controls

New Resource

The Financial Reporting Compliance controls resource is used to view or modify the controls.

Financial Reporting Compliance Issues

New Resource

The Financial Reporting Compliance issues resource is used to view or modify the details of an issue. Each record can have multiple issues.

Risk Management Jobs

New Resource

The Risk Management jobs resource is used to view job details.