An Introduction to Working with Dashboards

A dashboard presents a set of related analyses or other objects created in Transaction Business Intelligence.

You may add other items, such as explanatory text, links to actions or alerts appropriate for records that appear in the dashboard, or links to "embedded content" such spreadsheets or websites.

Once you create a Risk Management dashboard, you can open it from a Risk Management Dashboard icon on the Risk Management springboard. This requires a simple setup; see Set Up the Risk Management Dashboard Icon.

To create or edit a dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Reports and Analytics. Click the Browse Catalog button.

  2. Click New > Dashboard. A New Dashboard dialog opens. In it, supply a name and optionally a description, select a location in which to save the dashboard, and select an Add Content Now button. Then click OK.

    Or, select an existing dashboard in the catalog and click its Edit option.

  3. The dashboard opens, displaying a "page" that will contain content. Each dashboard initially has a single page, but you may add pages: click the Add Dashboard Page icon. You can view each page by clicking its tab at the top of the dashboard. If you choose to delete a page, select its tab, then click the Delete Current Page icon.

  4. Drag content from a Dashboard Objects panel or a Catalog panel to the dashboard page. If you've added pages to the dashboard, add content to each page.

    • In the Catalog panel, navigate through the folder hierarchy to select items stored in the BI catalog, such as analyses or other dashboards.

    • In the Dashboard Objects panel, select additional items, which are described below.

    As you add items, each must be contained in a "section," and each section must be contained in a "column." These containers are created automatically whenever the need for them is apparent. For example, if you drag an analysis into a blank page, it's automatically contained in a section, and that section in a column. If you drag a second object to that section, it would be included there. If you were to drop it within the column but outside the section, a new section would be created for it.

  5. Arrange the items you've added until they're organized as you want them. You can drag items within a section, or from one section to another. You can move sections within a column, or from one column to another. You can drag columns in relation to one another. You can move an item or a container above, to either side of, or below another item or container.

    You can also delete items, sections, or columns. For each, click the delete icon in its corner. If you delete a section, you also delete all the items it contains. If you delete a column, you also delete all the sections and items it contains.

  6. When you're satisfied with your arrangement, click Save.

The objects you can select in the Dashboard Objects panel include the following:

  • Columns and sections: Add these only when they wouldn't be added automatically. For example, if you drag an analysis into a blank page, it's contained by a section and a column. But if you want to add a second analysis in a second column, you need to add the column manually.

  • Alert Section: Adds a section to display alerts from agents, if you've configured agents.

  • Action Link or Action Link Menu: Adds a link, or a set of links, to related content or to operations, functions, or processes in external systems.

  • Link or Image: Adds text or an image that serves as a link, and specifies what should happen when a user clicks it. You can link to a website, another dashboard, documents, or other items. You can also add text or an image only, without a link.

  • Embedded Content: Adds a spreadsheet, document, website, or other content. To embed the content, you specify a URL that provides it.

  • Text: Adds plain text.

  • Folder: Adds a view of a BI catalog folder and its contents. You might, for example, add a folder that contains analyses you run frequently. From the dashboard, you can open the folder and run any of the analyses.

In most cases, you must set properties for dashboard objects you select. Click the Properties icon for the object, then click the Help icon in the Properties dialog for detailed information.

By default, the first page in any dashboard is named Page 1. You can change the name. You name other pages as you create them, but you can rename them too:

  1. Click the Catalog link.

  2. In the Folders panel, select your dashboard.

  3. In the row for the page whose name you want to change, click More and select Rename.

  4. Enter the new name and click OK.