Analyses of Access Model Results

You can create an OTBI analysis that presents access model results. Use it to review results that change repeatedly during model development.

The development of an access model is typically an iterative process. You define the model and generate results. Upon reviewing them, you may discover the model returns false-positives. You might then modify the model logic to eliminate them, typically by adding condition filters. Or you might discover the model fails to return expected results. You could then correct the model logic, for example by adding or editing access point or entitlement filters. You may even discover there are conflicts you can resolve right away, and do so without waiting to create a control. In any case, you generate and review results repeatedly until you're satisfied with the records the model returns.

An OTBI analysis can present model results for review as you work through this development process. The analysis would include data that's also available in the model's Result page. But it would enable you to focus on result values you consider to be key. You could pivot the data in various ways, and so create your preferred view of the data.

The Advanced Access Models Real Time subject area supplies data to this analysis. Each time you refine and then run the model, you must update the subject area with fresh data. To do that, you run a synchronization job from the Models page of the Advanced Controls work area. As you do, you can limit the job to the model (or models) whose results you're interested in seeing.

You can create an analysis that prompts you to select among models you're authorized to work with. It would then display results only for the model you select.

  1. Open the BI catalog: Navigate to Tools > Reports and Analytics. Click the Browse Catalog button. In the catalog, click New > Analysis.

  2. Under Select Subject Area, select the Risk Management Cloud - Advanced Access Models Real Time subject area. The analysis opens with the Criteria tab selected by default.

  3. Select columns in the Subject Areas list, drag them to the Selected Columns area, and drop them there. It's up to you to decide which columns you consider to be important for your review. But:

    • No matter what else you select, expand the Model Details folder and select the Model Name column. This is the value that enables you to select among models as you use the analysis.

    • For this example, also select Global User Name, First Name, Last Name, Incident Information, Role Name, and Entitlement Name. These are all available in the Result Details folder.

      The first three of these identify a user whose access the model defines as risky. Incident Information reports the path to the access point that's the focus of the result record. Role Name identifies the role that grants that access point to the user. Entitlement Name identifies the entitlement (if any) that's named in the model and includes the Incident Information access point.

  4. Click the Results tab. It displays a single view, labeled Table, which displays the columns you've selected.

  5. In the title line of the Table view, click Edit View (a pencil icon). A Layout region appears beneath the table. In it, drag the Model Name column to a Table Prompts field. Then click the Done button. The Model Name column now appears as a list field positioned above the other columns, which display data only for the model selected in the list field.

  6. Click the Save Analysis icon. In a Save As dialog, enter a name in the Name field, for example Access Model Results. Also select the folder in which you want to save the analysis. Then click OK.