Overview of Risk Management Analytics

You can develop analyses and dashboards that present information about your company's use of Oracle Fusion Cloud Risk Management to guard against risk in business processes. Your analyses draw data from predefined subject areas.

  • An analysis is a display of real-time data. It incorporates "views," which are typically tables, graphs, or both.

  • A dashboard is a set of related analyses or a combination of analyses and "dashboard objects." These objects may include images, text, or links to documents, websites, or other items.

  • "Analytics" is a generic term that encompasses analyses and dashboards.

  • Subject areas are logical groupings of columns that contain data about Oracle Risk Management. As you create analyses, you select the subject-area columns that provide the information you want.

To complement analytics you may create, Oracle Risk Management provides predefined dashboards. Some provide analyses that return administrative information. Others document remediation plans associated with access simulations, details of role-certification projects, and relationships among objects in your risk-control matrix.

Predefined reports are available in Financial Compliance Reports and Advanced Controls Reports work areas. However, these are entirely separate from the analytics you can develop from subject areas. For information about them, see Financial Compliance Reports and Advanced Controls Reports.