Subject Areas and Default Joins

Subject areas have default joins:

Subject Area

Default Fact Join

Risk Management Cloud - Compliance Real Time

Control Fact

Risk Management Cloud - Assessment Results Real Time

Assessment Result

Risk Management Cloud - Advanced Financial Controls Real Time

Incident Transaction Result Details

Risk Management Cloud - Advanced Access Controls Real Time

Incident Access Result Details

Risk Management Cloud - Access Certification Real Time

Facts - Access Certification

The default fact for a subject area determines the join to be used when you combine dimensions. To override that default fact, you add facts. For example, you may use the Compliance Real Time subject area to create an analysis that includes Process Name and Perspective. To see perspective values assigned to processes, you need to add a metric from the Process fact; otherwise, control perspectives appear. Note, there's no way to include perspectives for more than one of the Process, Risk, and Control objects in one report, since the fact determines the perspectives to be shown.

These tips also apply to cross-subject reporting, so keep them in mind when you create an analysis that includes dimensions from, for example, the Compliance Real Time and Assessment Results Real Time subject areas.