Advanced Options for Standard Filters

You may set advanced options that refine the basic formula of a standard filter. The availability of each option depends on the attribute or condition you select for the filter.

An Exclude option is common to all conditions. Clear it to get records that satisfy a filter's attribute-condition formula. Select it to exclude those records and get all others.

Similar and Similar To Options

The following options are available if you use the Similar or Similar To condition:

  • Include Unique Data Rows: Clear to exclude records that don't qualify for any group the filter creates. Select to have the filter return the groups it would ordinarily return, plus the records it would otherwise exclude.

  • Generate Results for Similar Groups: Clear to include a given record only in the first group it qualifies for. Select to include each record in all groups it qualifies for.

  • Similar Word: Clear to require full text strings to meet the similarity threshold established by the filter. Select to allow any word in one string to be similar to any word in another.

  • Apply Condition Across the Same Data Row: This option applies only to a Similar To filter that specifies two attributes belonging to a single business object. Clear to compare values across all rows of the object, so that a given attribute value may be similar to values of either attribute. Select to consider each row individually, so that a value of one attribute can be similar only to a value of the other attribute.

Other Standard Filter Options

The following options are also available to standard filters:

  • Include Empty Row: This option applies to the Expresses condition. Clear to get only records that include terms in a dictionary. Select to have all records returned; those without dictionary terms have a relevance score of 0. Use this option only if the dictionary (an imported object) includes a row with these settings: the Word attribute is null, and Relevance equals 0.

  • Match Case: In searches for matching text values, clear to ignore capitalization or select to consider capitalization.

  • Ignore After Floating Point: Clear to consider, or select to ignore, digits after a decimal point in number values. For example, if this option were selected, a filter specifying "Payment Amount ends with 5" would return the value 25.67.

  • Include Time with Date: Clear to ignore, or select to consider, time while you look for matches in date values. As you create a date filter, you specify an absolute or relative date value, but you can't specify a time value. So if you select the Include Time with Date option, the filter uses the exact time of day, to the second, that you run the model containing the filter (or run a control developed from the model).

    Some examples: You select a Created Date attribute for a filter, and you specify a date on which four records were created, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. You run the model containing the filter exactly at noon on some subsequent date. If your filter uses the Equals condition and you clear the Include Time with Date option, the filter returns all four records. But if you select the Include Time with Date option, the filter returns none of those records (because none were created at noon). If you use the Greater Than condition, the filter returns only the two records created in the afternoon.

  • Apply Range of Time: Find matches for records that fall within a time range you define.

  • Apply Day of Week: Find matches for records worked only on days you select.