Create an Access Point or Entitlement Filter

A filter may specify an access point, and return users assigned roles whose hierarchies include that access point. Or a filter may specify an entitlement, and return users assigned roles whose hierarchies include any access point in that entitlement.

To create either type of filter:

  1. In the Model Logic panel, click Add Filter. A dialog box appears. Enter a name for the filter in its Name field.

  2. In an Object field, select the access-point object for any data source to create an access-point filter, or the access-entitlement object for any data source to create an entitlement filter.

  3. Accept default values in three fields:

    • In an Attribute field, accept Access Point Name for an access-point filter or Access Entitlement Name for an entitlement filter.

    • In a Condition field, accept Equals for either filter type.

    • In a Type field, accept Value for either filter type.

  4. In a Values field, click Search. A search dialog opens. In it, search for and select an access point or an entitlement. Among search criteria:

    • Name and Description are display values identifying an access point or entitlement.

    • Access Point ID applies only to access-point filters. It's the internal name for a role or privilege, or the path to a user-defined access point.

    • Type applies only to access-point filters. Select Privilege, Role, or User Defined to return access points of the type you select.

    • As you enter search values you can use the percent symbol (%) as a wildcard.