Create or Edit Provisioning Rules Manually

To create or edit a provisioning rule manually:

  1. In the Advanced Controls work area, click the Provisioning Rules tab.

  2. If no rules exist yet, click Add to create one. Otherwise, work in the Manual Rules panel of the page: To create a rule, click Create. Or to edit a rule, select the row defining the rule you want to edit, and click Edit. An add-rules dialog opens.

  3. In two fields, Role and Conflicts With, enter the names of roles the rule defines as conflicting.

    • You can enter either the display name or the internal name for a role.

    • As you type, a Roles window presents the display and internal names of roles that match the string you're typing. You can click on a role to select it for the field you're working in.

  4. In a Risk Level field, select High, Medium, or Low.

  5. Click OK.

Once the rule is saved, you can repeat the process to create or edit more rules. Or, use a delete option to delete a selected rule, or an About This Record option to view information about a selected rule. You can also sort rules by risk level, Role values, or Conflicts With values.