Edit a User-Defined Object

You can edit user-defined objects:

  1. From the User-Defined Objects page, locate the row for a user-defined object you want to edit. You can use search features to filter the list of objects. Select the Edit icon in the row you locate.

  2. Enter or modify appropriate values in these fields:

    • Description: Optionally enter a brief description of the object.

    • Product: By default, the Product value is Other. You can select a value that identifies a product about which the object supplies information, for example Procurement.

    • Category: By default, the Category value is Other. You can select among three other values. Transaction is appropriate for an object that contains records of actual transactions. These records are expected to be updated frequently. Operational Master Data and Configuration Setup are appropriate for records that are expected to change infrequently, such as setup-data records.

    • Status: By default, the Status is Active. You can change this to Inactive.

    • State: This field is read-only, because the status you select determines the state value.
  3. Save the object.