Import, Export, or Delete Objects

You import or export business-object files, or delete imported objects, from the Select Business Objects page. To open it, click Add in the Model Objects panel of the Create Model page or the Edit Model page.

To import an object file:

  1. Click the Import icon in the Select Business Objects page.

  2. Click the Browse button. Navigate to, and select, the file you want to import. The file name then populates the File field.

  3. With the file selected, click the OK button.

Note: Although you import an object file as you create or edit a specific model, you may use its objects with any model.

To export an object file:

  1. In the Select Business Objects page, locate the row for the object you want to export.

  2. Click the Export icon in that row.

  3. A file-download window offers you options to open or save the export file. Select the Save option and, in a distinct save-as dialog, navigate to the folder you want to save the file in. The file is saved in .xml format.

Although you select an individual object to export, you actually export the file it belongs to. If that file contained multiple objects or groups when it was imported, the file you export also contains all those objects or groups.

You can delete an imported object if it meets two conditions: It isn't used in a model or control, and it belongs to an import file that includes no other objects. Select the x icon in its row in the Select Business Objects page.