Notifications and Worklists in Advanced Controls

Worklists, notifications, and email alerts can inform users of tasks or events that require their attention.

In Oracle Fusion Cloud Advanced Controls, a worklist is a record of pending incidents returned by a control. It's also a link to the Results page for resolving the control's incidents. Each user sees only worklists concerning controls for which he or she's a result investigator. They appear on a Worklists page, which is the landing page for the Results work area.

Users may also receive notifications, email alerts, or both if your organization activates them. It can choose to activate notifications or alerts for some features, but not for others. By default, both are active for all features. (See Activate Alerts.)

  • Notifications are available from the Notifications icon in the global header. (It looks like a bell.)
  • Email alerts are sent to the email address associated with the user account for each user.

New notifications and email alerts appear with each run of a job called Advanced Controls Notification. Each provides a link to the page on which its recipient may act on its information.

One type of notification or alert informs users of controls with new incidents, or of existing incidents that have been reassigned. Each user receives notice only of controls for which he or she's a result investigator, or of incidents reassigned to him or her.

New incidents are those generated by a control after the last time the recipient was alerted. For these:

  • A notification informs its recipient of a single control that's generated at least one new incident. With each run of the notification job, each user may receive multiple notifications.
  • An email alert lists every control that's generated at least one new incident for which the recipient is authorized. With each run of the notification job, each user receives only one email alert.

A second type of notification or email alert announces the creation of a control. Recipients include all users authorized as owners of the newly created control (except the person who created the control).

A third type of notification or email alert concerns tasks related to Advanced Access Requests, in which users may request role assignments, or review or approve those requests:

  • The person who submits a request receives confirmation that the request has been made, and later that it's been completed. If the submitter made the request on behalf of another user, that user also receives these confirmations.
  • A user selected as a reviewer receives notice of requests to be reviewed. The email alert is consolidated: For each recipient, the alert lists all the user's review assignments since the user previously received an alert.
  • A request approver receives notice of new requests that aren't assigned for review, requests assigned to reviewers and pending review, and requests that have been reviewed and are pending final decision. Again, email alerts are consolidated.

A fourth type reports information about error conditions, such as a job failing or concluding with errors, or a control, model, or incident lacking an eligible owner or other authorization. (To receive a message concerning an object lacking an eligible owner, a user must have a Mass Edit Security Assignments privilege. Other security-related messages go to the owners of an affected object.)