Overview of Advanced Control Results

An incident is a record of a transaction or a grant of access that's exceeded the risk defined by an advanced control. Incidents may be assigned to you because controls that generate them identify you as a result investigator, or because incident owners assign them to you.

The actual resolution of incidents occurs outside of Oracle Fusion Cloud Advanced Controls. For example, you may use the Financials application to cancel a purchase order if a transaction control shows it to be suspect. Or, you may revise the assignment of roles to a user if an access control uncovers a separation-of-duties conflict. In Oracle Advanced Controls, you can:

  • Review the details of incidents assigned to you.

  • Set the status of incidents for which you're authorized as an owner or editor. Status reflects whether anything should be, or has been, done about the incidents.

  • Reassign incidents for which you're authorized as an owner.

To begin, select Risk Management in the home page. Among its options, select Results. Then select any of three tabs: Worklists displays your result-related worklist assignments. Results by Control Summary opens a page listing controls that have generated incidents assigned to you. Simulations takes you to a page to manage simulations, which preview the effects of steps you take to resolve violations of access controls.