Relate Controls to Financial Reporting Compliance Objects

If you selected the Incident result type in the Details page, you may use a Deploy Controls: Related Records page to relate the advanced controls you're creating to processes, risks, or controls defined in Oracle Fusion Cloud Financial Reporting Compliance.

Once relationships are created:

  • In Oracle Fusion Cloud Advanced Controls, the page for viewing or editing an advanced control includes a Related Records panel. It lists the Oracle Financial Reporting Compliance objects you select here. You can click on a related record to view its definition.

  • Also in Oracle Advanced Controls, the page for viewing or editing an incident includes a Related Records panel. It lists the Oracle Financial Reporting Compliance objects selected for the control that has generated the incident. Again, you can click on a related record to view its definition.

  • In Oracle Financial Reporting Compliance, object records include an Advanced Controls tab. It displays the advanced controls to which a process, risk, or control is related. From the record of each control, you can display its incidents.

To create relationships:

  1. Select the type of Oracle Financial Reporting Compliance object you want to relate to the advanced controls you're deploying. You may select Process, Risk, or Control.

  2. Select Add Related Object.

  3. In a Search dialog, supply parameter values to list a filtered set of Oracle Financial Reporting Compliance objects. Click Search to list the objects that satisfy your search parameters.

  4. From the list, select any number of objects, then click OK.

  5. As needed, select another type (repeat step 1) and add objects of that type (repeat steps 2 through 4).

Relating Oracle Financial Reporting Compliance objects serves no purpose for a control whose result type is Data set, since it doesn't generate incidents to be displayed with these objects.