Remove Roles

If you're a request approver, you can also remove roles from users to whom they're assigned. Typically, you would do this in response to requests by business owners, or to removal reports generated by analysis in Oracle Fusion Cloud Access Certifications.

  1. Open the Access Request Approvals dashboard. In it, click the Manual Access Removals tab at the bottom of the dashboard. A Manual Access Removals page opens.
  2. Click the Remove Access button. A Remove Access page opens.
  3. In a field labeled Who would you like to remove roles from, search for the user whose role assignment is to be ended. You can search by first name, last name, or user name.
  4. In a field labeled Give interested stakeholders your rationale for removing the access, explain why the role is to be removed from the user.
  5. Once you've entered values in these fields, a list of the user's current roles appears under the heading Which roles would you like to remove.
    • For each role, optionally click a Data security icon to open a drawer that displays the security context and security values associated with the role.
    • Select check boxes for any number of roles you want to remove. Or, click a select-all check box, which is located next to a Role Name heading.
  6. Click the Update button.

The focus returns to the Manual Access Removals page, where a record of the removal now appears. In that record, the user name is a link to a page that lists all removals for the user. The Manual Access Removals page displays records of role removals performed by all request approvers. As they accumulate, you can filter them by time periods, and you can sort them.

To return to the Access Request Approvals dashboard, click the Access Request Approvals tab at the bottom of the page.