Create or Edit an Action Item

From the record of a process, you can create action items for that object. As time passes, you (or other users) can edit the record for an action item to reflect its progress toward completion.

  1. In the Processes search page, click the name of a process to open a page that displays details about it.

  2. Select the Action Items tab. Then:

    • Select the Create icon.

    • Select the row representing an action item and select the Edit icon.

  3. Enter or modify required values. These include:

    • A name for the action item and instructions on how to complete it.

    • A start date and a due date.

    • A priority.

    • A progress value. Typically, as you create the action item, select Assigned. As users work to complete the action item, they may select Blocked, Delayed, or On Target.

  4. Optionally, complete other fields. For example, you can create comments.

    One optional field is Target Completion Date. Like a due date, this is a date when the action item is to be completed. Here's how these dates differ: The user who sets the required due date is the person who creates the action item. It's the date when that person plans for the procedure to be completed. The optional target completion date is set by a person working to resolve the action item. It's set only if that person expects the procedure to finish sooner or later than the due date.