Create or Edit an Assessment Template

An assessment template sets certain core values.

Use either of two methods to open the page to create an assessment template.

  • Select the Create Assessment Template quick action from the Risk Management springboard. (Depending on the number of quick actions available to you, you may need to select a Show More option on the springboard.)
  • In the Assessments work area, select the Assessment Templates tab to open an Assessment Templates page. Then select the Create icon.

To edit an assessment template, open the Assessment Templates page, select the row representing a template, and select the Edit icon. Or, click the name of a template and, in a page to view details about it, click Actions > Edit Template.

As you work with the assessment template:

  1. In a Details panel, set or modify these values:

    • A name and, optionally, description for the template.

    • A "primary object" of assessment. This is the type of object you want to assess: Process, Control, or Risk.

    • An assessment type, such as Financial Year End. Your organization can use the lookups feature, available in the Setup and Administration work area, to create its own type values.

    • A status, either Active or Inactive. You can modify the status only as you edit a template. When you create a template, it's automatically active, and the Status field doesn't appear.

  2. In an Activities panel, select an assessment activity type. In effect, it defines what assessors are to determine as they complete assessments developed from the template.

    Select Add, then choose from an Activities dialog, which presents activities appropriate for your primary object.

    You can't select more than one activity. You can, however, delete an activity so that you can select a different one. Click in the row for an activity and select the Delete action.

  3. Save or submit the template.