Manage Participant Lists

While initiating a stand-alone survey, its owner may select participant lists, designating members of each list to be responders to survey questions.

To work with participant lists, select the Survey Participant Lists tab in the Surveys work area. A Survey Participant Lists page presents a summary record of each list that's been created.

To create a participant list:

  1. In the Survey Participant Lists page, click the Add icon.

  2. In a Details panel, create a name for the list, select a status for it (Active is the default), and optionally write a description of it.

  3. An Eligible Users panel displays a list of users whose roles include a privilege called Complete a Survey. Use any of three methods to select among them:

    • To select users individually, click check boxes next to their names. Then click an Add Selected Users button.

    • To select a large number of users, click a Select All check box, then deselect users you don't want. Then click the Add Selected Users button.

    • To select everyone, simply click an Add All Eligible Users button.

  4. The users you select move from the Eligible Users panel to a Members panel. There, if you have second thoughts, you can remove users. Click the deletion icon (×) at the right of the record for each user you want to remove.

  5. When you're satisfied with your selections, click Save and Close.

To work with a participant list once it's been created:

  • You can view its details. Locate its summary record in the Survey Participant Lists page and click its Member Count value. A page named for the list opens; it includes the Details and Members panels, displaying values configured for the list in read-only format.

  • You can edit the list. Click the Edit Definition button in its view page. Or, select its summary record in the Survey Participant Lists page and click the Edit icon. In either case, an Edit Survey Participant Lists page opens. It's essentially a replica of the Create page, populated with the selected list's values. You can modify the Name, Description, and Status values, and add and remove users as you would if you were creating a list.