Notifications and Worklists in Financial Reporting Compliance

Worklists, notifications, and email alerts can inform users of tasks that require their attention.

In Oracle Fusion Cloud Financial Reporting Compliance, a worklist is a record of a task to be performed. It's also a link to the page for completing the task. A given user sees only worklists for tasks he or she’s authorized to work on. The landing page in the work area for each object is a Worklists page, which lists the user's worklists for that object. Tasks include:

  • Completing assessments or surveys.
  • Reviewing or approving edits to processes, risks, or controls.
  • Reviewing or approving assessment results or survey responses.
  • Responding to review or approval decisions.
  • Resolving issues.

Each worklist displays the name of a record, the type of object it concerns, a task description, and a due date. The task description is a brief statement of the action to be taken. "Draft" indicates work that the user has begun but not yet completed. For example, the user may have saved a risk, but not submitted it for review. Other task descriptions, such as "Review" or "Complete Assessment," are self-explanatory.

Users may also receive notifications, email alerts, or both if your organization activates them. It can choose to activate notifications or alerts for some features, but not for others. By default, both are active for all features. (See Activate Alerts.)

  • Notifications are available from the Notifications icon in the global header. (It looks like a bell.)
  • Email alerts are sent to the email address associated with the user account for each user.

Each type of notice, if active, also provides links to pages on which a recipient may act on its information. New notices appear with each run of a job called Financial Reporting Compliance Notification.

Notices may report the same tasks that worklists do. Or, they may provide information about error conditions, such as a job failing or concluding with errors, or an object lacking an eligible owner or other authorization. (To receive a message concerning an object lacking an eligible owner, a user must have a Mass Edit Security Assignments privilege. Other security-related messages go to the owners of an affected object.)

A notice may be consolidated. For each type of object, a user with five or more new tasks receives one notice concerning all of them. A user with four or fewer new tasks, however, receives one notice for each task.

As an example, suppose that both notifications and email alerts are activated for the Risk object. A user with four newly edited risks to review would receive four notifications and four email messages. But a user with five newly edited risks to review would receive one consolidated notification and one consolidated email message.