Review Issue Status

When a plan is added to an issue, or each time a remediation task is completed, you may want to review status of the issue for which the plan has been selected:

  1. Select the Issues tab in the Issues work area. In the Issues page, click the name of the issue to open it.

  2. Select a Definition tab to review:

    • Issue details, in a Detail panel.

    • The objects the issue applies to, in a Related Records panel.

    • Values for descriptive flexfield segments (if any) in an Additional Information panel.

    • Comments added to the issue (if any) in an Add Comments panel.

    You can select Actions > Edit Issue to modify values in any of these panels, for example adding objects to the issue in the Related Records panel.

  3. Select a Remediation tab to review the progress users have made in completing remediation plans associated with the issue. An issue may have multiple plans, one for each object record associated with the issue. In a list of plans, select one:

    • A bar graph depicts the number of completed steps, both as an absolute number and as a percentage of total steps. The graph also reports the number of days the plan is past due, and the number of tasks past due. You can't update these status indicators directly. You can do so indirectly by completing tasks in the plan.

    • Panels display comments, additional-information (flexfield) values, the plan's tasks, and issues for which the plan has been selected. You can add comments, but you can't change any of the other values. To view details of each task or of each issue, click its name in its panel.

    Each time you select a plan, the bar graph and the information in the other panels change to report data about the plan you've selected.

If you're the owner of an issue, you can send email reminders to users to complete issue-review tasks. In the Issues page, select the issue record, then select Actions > Send Email Reminder. A Send Email Reminder page provides default subject and body text, which you can edit if you want. Then click Submit to send the message. It's sent only to appropriate users who haven't yet acted on their tasks. The feature is active regardless of whether email notifications are activated in the Setup and Administration work area.